Relevant to: All Current and Prospective Medicare Advantage Organizations, Prescription Drug Plan Sponsors, Section 1876 Cost Plans, PACE Organizations, Medicare-Medicaid Plans, and Bid Consultants

As discussed in the March 10, 2022 memo entitled “Health Plan Management System (HPMS) Plan Benefit Package (PBP) Technical Redesign,” CMS will launch the CY 2024 PBP as a new web-based module within HPMS on Friday, April 7, 2023.

This memo describes the most significant changes in the redesigned PBP and provides a timeline of upcoming events and frequently asked questions (FAQs). CMS will deliver additional guidance over the coming months to ensure a smooth transition to the new module. This guidance will include information on plan technical training, the release of a draft version of the new PBP Submission User Guide, and details on Alpha and Beta testing.

Click here to download the full guidance as a PDF.

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