Relevant to: All Medicare Advantage Organizations (MAOs) and Prescription Drug Plan Sponsors (PDPs)

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) continues to conduct opioid educational sessions with Medicare Part D plan sponsors to address the opioid overdose epidemic. CMS, in collaboration with the Plan Program Integrity Medicare Drug Integrity Contractor (PPI MEDIC), the Investigations MEDIC (I-MEDIC), and the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General, Office of Investigations (OIG/OI), recently met with a select number of Medicare Part D plan sponsors to discuss top opioid prescribers. CMS is now providing all Medicare Part D plan sponsors with information gathered during these educational sessions on promising practices and efforts plan sponsors found to be effective in reducing opioid overutilization while maintaining beneficiary access to needed therapies.

See the full guidance for more information.

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